Batch Sync Programs



Send a request to this endpoint to create or update one or more programs. This endpoint should to be used to sync programs under a single workspace.


Header Parameters
  • Enabling this boolean flag will fail the request if an error occurs while processing any program sent as part of the request.
    Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    Default Value: false
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : List<ApiEntityProgramInput>
Type: array
Title: List<ApiEntityProgramInput>
Show Source
  • ApiEntityProgramInput
    Title: ApiEntityProgramInput
    This entity represents a Program object, a unique Program object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • programId
    • programCode, workspaceId
    • programCode, workspaceCode
Nested Schema : ApiEntityProgramInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProgramInput
This entity represents a Program object, a unique Program object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • programId
  • programCode, workspaceId
  • programCode, workspaceCode
Show Source
Nested Schema : codeValues
Type: array
The list of code values for a program. This entity can only be used to assign codeValues or create codeValues on the fly.
Show Source
  • ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput
    Title: ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput
    This entity represents a CodeValueProgram object, a unique CodeValueProgram object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • codeValueObjectId
    • codeTypeCode, codeValueCode
    • codeTypeId,codeValueCode
    • codeValueId
    • codeValueCode,codeTypeCode,parentId
    • codeValueCode,codeTypeId,parentId
Nested Schema : configuredFields
Type: array
The list of configured fields for a program.
Show Source
  • ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput
    Title: ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput
    This entity represents a ProgramConfiguredFieldValue object, a unique ProgramConfiguredFieldValue object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • configuredFieldObjectId
    • columnDefinitionId
    • columnName
    • columnLabel
Nested Schema : linkedObjects
Type: array
The list of projects linked to the program.
Show Source
  • ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput
    Title: ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput
    This entity represents a ProgramLinkedObject object, a unique ProgramLinkedObject object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • objectId, objectType
Nested Schema : programFinancial
The financial fields associated with a program.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : programPhaseFinancials
Type: array
The program cashflow data associated with the program.
Show Source
  • ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput
    Title: ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput
    This entity represents a ProgramPhaseFinancial object, a unique ProgramPhaseFinancial object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • programPhaseFinancialId
Nested Schema : programSettings
Type: array
The program settings associated with the program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput
This entity represents a CodeValueProgram object, a unique CodeValueProgram object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • codeValueObjectId
  • codeTypeCode, codeValueCode
  • codeTypeId,codeValueCode
  • codeValueId
  • codeValueCode,codeTypeCode,parentId
  • codeValueCode,codeTypeId,parentId
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput
This entity represents a ProgramConfiguredFieldValue object, a unique ProgramConfiguredFieldValue object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • configuredFieldObjectId
  • columnDefinitionId
  • columnName
  • columnLabel
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "DELETE" ]
    Provide value for this field during object update to delete the assigned configured field value.
  • Unique identifier of the column. This value should not be provided in create operation request data, however, it is required for update requests.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 100
    The user-specified UDF column label.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 100
    The user-specified UDF column name.
  • The unique identifier for the Program Configured Field.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the base currency conversion. Input should be provided in numberValue field, in currency of record.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the workspace1 currency conversion.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the workspace2 currency conversion.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the workspace3 currency conversion.
  • This holds values for Date type configured fields.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Provides the error message for why the formula calculation resulted in an error.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Determines if formula calculation hit an error calculating a value for this field.
  • This holds values for Number, Integer and Cost type configured fields. Input for the cost configured field should be provided in the currency of record. For example project level currency in case of Activity, base currency for Company, workspace currency for Funds and record level currency for Project Actuals etc. configured fields.
  • The system-generated identifier of a Program.
  • Maximum Length: 4000
    This holds values for Boolean, List and Text type configured fields.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
Nested Schema : ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput
This entity represents a ProgramLinkedObject object, a unique ProgramLinkedObject object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • objectId, objectType
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of actual expense cost allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital present value, also known as discounted value, of the overall program actuals.
    Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of actual expense cost unallocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of actual cost currently allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The present value, also known as discounted value, of the overall program actuals. Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of actual cost currently allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of actual capital cost allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense present value, also known as discounted value, of the overall program actuals.
    Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of actual capital cost unallocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 1
    The interest rate associated with the cost of an investment from your commercial bank or another funding source.
    For example, an annual growth rate of an investment such as 4.75% can be used as an annual discount rate. This rate is used when a future value is assumed and you are trying to find the required Net Present Value.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    Program benefits is the income or positive cash flow from which all charges, costs, and expenses are subtracted to arrive at the net income. Also called sales, turnover, or revenue.
  • Program benefits is the income or positive cash flow from which all charges, costs, and expenses are subtracted to arrive at the net income. Also called sales, turnover, or revenue.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of benefits currently allocated across the program timescale.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Indicates whether the Benefits roll-up from projects is out of sync.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program benefits. Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use the present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of benefits that have not been allocated across the program timescale.
  • The measure of a program's cost efficiency.
    A value of less than 1 indicates the program is over budget, while a value greater than 1 indicates the program is under budget.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The measure of cost performance on a program.
    A negative value indicates that the Actual Cost has exceeded the planned value.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The measure of cost performance on a program.
    A negative value indicates that the Actual Cost has exceeded the planned value.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The value of work performed on a program in reference to the approved budget for the program.
    The cost value used for the Earned Value Management of a program.
    Earned Value Management allows program managers to quantify program progress and objectively measure a program's success.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The value of work performed on a program in reference to the approved budget for the program.
    The cost value used for the Earned Value Management of a program.
    Earned Value Management allows program managers to quantify program progress and objectively measure a program's success.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expected total cost of the program when the defined scope of work will be completed.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The expected total cost of the program when the defined scope of work will be completed.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The estimated cost needed to complete the program.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The estimated cost needed to complete the program.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total capital estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total capital estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of forecast cost allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program forecast.
    Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use the present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of forecast cost unallocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
  • The total estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of forecast cost currently allocated across the program timescale.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program forecast. Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use the present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of forecast cost unallocated across the program timescale.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total expense estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total expense estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense amount of forecast cost allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program forecast.
    Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use the present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense amount of forecast cost unallocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Indicates whether the Forecast roll-up from projects is out of sync.
  • The quantitative measurement used to compare the profitability of program investments.
    The rate at which investors will receive returns on their investments in a program.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The difference between the present value (PV) of the future cash flows from current investments and program costs.
    The Net Present Value accounts for changes in inflation and returns when calculating the difference in value of incoming and outgoing capital.
    Positive Net Present Value (NPV) is an indicator of programs that should be pursued.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The difference between the Present Value (PV) of the future cash flows from current investments and program costs.
    The Net Present Value (NPV) accounts for changes in inflation and returns when calculating the difference in value of incoming and outgoing capital.
    A positive NPV is an indicator of programs that should be pursued.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • The estimate of the length of time that will transpire before net profits recover the initial and periodic costs of an investment to carry out the selected program.

    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The planned total cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The planned total capital cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The planned total capital cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of planned budget allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program planned budget.Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate.
    Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The capital amount of planned budget unallocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The planned total cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of planned budget allocated across the program timescale.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The planned total expense cost of a program as defined by the program manager.Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The planned total expense cost of a program as defined by the program manager.Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense amount of planned budget allocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program planned budget.
    Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate.
    Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The expense amount of planned budget unallocated across the program timescale.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Indicates whether the Planned Budget roll-up from projects is out of sync.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall program planned budget. Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of planned budget unallocated across the program timescale.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The amount of approved capital spent on a scheduled portion of work on a program.
    Planned Value Cost is often used for Earned Value Management.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The amount of approved capital spent on a scheduled portion of work on a program.
    Planned Value Cost is often used for Earned Value Management.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • The index based on the value of a program's present values divided by initial program investments.
  • The unique identifier for a program set by the user who created the program.
  • The percentage resulting from division of the expected returns of an investment by the investment costs of a program or portfolio.
    For example, a program is expected to cost 1.0 million dollars with a total benefit of 1.2 million dollars. Its Net Present Value is $200,000. The Return on Investment is 20%.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The measure of the work accomplished as a percentage of the work scheduled on a program.
    Schedule Performance Index indicates whether you are meeting earned and planned values within your program schedule.
    A value less than 1 indicates that less work was performed than was scheduled. A value greater than 1 indicates the program is ahead of schedule.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The measure of schedule performance on a program.
    A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
  • The measure of schedule performance on a program.
    A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled.
    This value can be entered manually or can be imported.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total capital amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total capital amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
  • The total amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total expense amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total expense amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total and time phased variance between the program's Actuals and Forecast.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total and time phased variance between the program's Actuals and Planned Budget.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Indicates whether the Actuals roll-up from projects is out of sync.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    Total forecast at the end of year actuals till date, with respect to the current year.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    A measurement of capital spent on a program starting from the beginning of the year up to the present date.
    YTD Actuals provides an overview of the total amount of actuals accrued on a program over the current Period Year.
Nested Schema : ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput
This entity represents a ProgramPhaseFinancial object, a unique ProgramPhaseFinancial object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • programPhaseFinancialId
Show Source
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    Program benefits is the income or positive cash flow from which all charges, costs, and expenses are subtracted to arrive at the net income. Also called sales, turnover, or revenue.
  • Program benefits is the income or positive cash flow from which all charges, costs, and expenses are subtracted to arrive at the net income. Also called sales, turnover, or revenue.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total capital estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total capital estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
  • The total estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total expense estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total expense estimation of a program's remaining costs.
    Once programs have begun, program managers update the program forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the program's life cycle.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • The time period during which budget planning for the program takes place in months.
  • The starting date for a time phase of the program life cycle.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The planned total cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The planned total capital cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The planned total capital cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • The planned total cost of a program as defined by the program manager.
    Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The planned total expense cost of a program as defined by the program manager.Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The planned total expense cost of a program as defined by the program manager.Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to programs, as well as what programs are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • The unique identifier for a program set by the user who created the program.
  • The system-generated identifier of a progam phase financial.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total capital amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total capital amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
  • The total amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total expense amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.
  • The total expense amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.
    Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.
    This is an input field, will not be a part of response.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total and time phased variance between the program's Actuals and Forecast.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    The total and time phased variance between the program's Actuals and Planned Budget.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
  • The time period during which budget planning for the program takes place in years.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    Total forecast at the end of year actuals till date, with respect to the current year.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.5.
    A measurement of capital spent on a program starting from the beginning of the year up to the present date.
    YTD Actuals provides an overview of the total amount of actuals accrued on a program over the current Period Year.
Nested Schema : ApiEntityProgramSettingInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProgramSettingInput
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Supported Media Types

207 Response

The object was successfully integrated.
Body ()
Root Schema : List<ApiEntitySyncApiResponse>
Type: array
Title: List<ApiEntitySyncApiResponse>
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntitySyncApiResponse
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySyncApiResponse
Show Source
  • identifier
    The unique identifier of the supported object returned based on the user input.
    This field can return any of the following entities determined based on the object for which the API call is invoked.
    Example : RiskScoreTypeIdentifier is returned when Batch Sync Risk Score Types API is invoked.
  • Error message or reason for operation failure is populated. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • The response code representing the state of the API operation.
Nested Schema : identifier
Type: object
The unique identifier of the supported object returned based on the user input.
This field can return any of the following entities determined based on the object for which the API call is invoked.
Example : RiskScoreTypeIdentifier is returned when Batch Sync Risk Score Types API is invoked.
Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConstraintIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ConstraintIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CBSSheetSegmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CBSSheetSegmentIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CBSTemplateSegmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CBSTemplateSegmentIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ReasonIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ReasonIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : WorkManagerTaskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: WorkManagerTaskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChangeRequestIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ChangeRequestIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ScopeItemAssignmentActivityIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeItemAssignmentActivityIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskScoreTypeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskScoreTypeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskMatrixIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskMatrixIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectRiskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectRiskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramRiskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramRiskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ActivityRiskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ActivityRiskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskMitigationIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskMitigationIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramRiskMitigationIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramRiskMitigationIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramRiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramRiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : HolidayGroupIdentifier
Type: object
Title: HolidayGroupIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : PortfolioIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : PortfolioMeasureIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioMeasureIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : EntityReferenceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: EntityReferenceIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : PortfolioMeasureManualValueIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioMeasureManualValueIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CustomLogItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CustomLogItemIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectRankIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectRankIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectDependencyIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectDependencyIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocationIdentifier
Type: object
Title: LocationIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : MeasureIdentifier
Type: object
Title: MeasureIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : MeasureThresholdIdentifier
Type: object
Title: MeasureThresholdIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ReportCycleIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ReportCycleIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : UnitsOfMeasureIdentifier
Type: object
Title: UnitsOfMeasureIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : WorkspaceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: WorkspaceIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApplicationUserGroupIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ApplicationUserGroupIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CalendarIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CalendarIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CodeTypeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CodeTypeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CodeValueIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CodeValueIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CostCategoryIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CostCategoryIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CurveIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CurveIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : DocumentFolderStructureTemplateIdentifier
Type: object
Title: DocumentFolderStructureTemplateIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : IdeaIdentifier
Type: object
Title: IdeaIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : OfficeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: OfficeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectCompanyIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectCompanyIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceDemandIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ResourceDemandIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectBudgetChangeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectBudgetChangeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectBudgetTransferIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectBudgetTransferIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectActualsLineItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectActualsLineItemIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectActualsIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectActualsIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectBudgetItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectBudgetItemIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : StrategyIdentifier
Type: object
Title: StrategyIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : StrategyTypeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: StrategyTypeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RuleOfCreditIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RuleOfCreditIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceRoleAssignmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ResourceRoleAssignmentIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : BudgetPlanningScenarioIdentifier
Type: object
Title: BudgetPlanningScenarioIdentifier
Show Source
  • The period during which budget is allocated to projects within the plan.
    This value determines the year in which budget planning timescales start.
    You can set the planning period to either the current or following year. For example, if the year is 2020 the latest planning period you can set is 2021.
    After the planning period for a budget plan has been set it cannot be changed.
  • The system-generated identifier of a portfolio. This value should not be provided in create operation request data, however, it is required for update requests.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the portfolio.
  • The system-generated identifier of the Budget Plan Scenario.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of Budget Plan Scenario.
  • The user-specified identifier of a workspace.
Nested Schema : ScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramBudgetTransferIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramBudgetTransferIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramBudgetChangeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramBudgetChangeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ActivityIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ActivityIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : AssignmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: AssignmentIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RelationshipIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RelationshipIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : FundActualIdentifier
Type: object
Title: FundActualIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramBudgetItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramBudgetItemIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : parentCVCodes
Type: array
List of parent code values in a hierarchy. This field is not populated as part of the API response since it is a write-only field, used only for the create or update APIs.
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400 Response

Invalid Input.
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