View a Threshold



This endpoint returns thresholds that meet the following requirements:
  • The object has an ID that matches the value of the {thresholdId} path parameter.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityThreshold
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityThreshold
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The bubble color is shown in the monitoring charts when the threshold criterion is met.
  • The unique identifier of a column.
  • The unique identifier of an upper column.
  • The value which other thresholds are measured against.
  • The cost measured by the threshold.
    Use threshold operators to compare this value to the values in projects and portfolios.
    The visual indicator associated with the threshold.
    The selected icon will display when threshold criteria is met.
  • The numeric value measured by the threshold.
    Use threshold operators to compare this value to the values in projects and portfolios.
  • The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".
    High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.
  • The maximum value other threshold values are measured against.
  • The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".
    High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.
    The logical operator for the threshold.
    Values are measured against this logic.
    For example, a threshold with an operator of Equals will only display an indicator if the budget plan or project value it measures equals the value set in the threshold.
  • Determines the order of a threshold in a list.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The value of a threshold string.
  • The unique identifier of a threshold.
  • Allowed Values: [ "FIELD", "VALUE" ]
    The type of a threshold. Thresholds of the value type use logical operators to measure fields against a set numeric value. Thresholds of the field type measure the value of one field against the value of another field.
  • Allowed Values: [ "FIELD", "VALUE" ]
    Thresholds can have a type of Value or Field.
    Value: Uses the threshold logical operator to measure fields against a set numeric value.
    Field: Checks specified fields against a second field. For example, a threshold measuring Annual Discount Rate with an operator of Equals and a type of Field set to Forecast, will indicate if a project's Annual Discount Rate equals its Forecast.
  • Date when the record was last updated.

404 Response

The requested thresholds do not exist, or you do not have access to them.
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