Add an Idea List View

Add a view to the Idea List page to customize the display of idea data. Column, filter, grouping, and formatting options enable you to create views that present idea data in precise and meaningful ways. The Idea List page supports two types of views, personal and workspace. Personal views are private and only accessible to the user who created them. Workspace views are available to all members of the workspace. Your security privileges determine your ability to work with workspace views.

To add an Idea List view:

  1. In the object selector, select Ideas, and then select View All Ideas.
  2. In the view list, select Manage Views.
  3. In the navigation tree, select a level, select the Context menu, and then select Add.
  4. Enter a name for the new view.
  5. Use the following tabs to customize the view:
    1. Columns: Select the columns that are displayed on the page when using this view.
    2. Saved Filters: Select filters to apply to the view to include and exclude ideas on the based on filter criteria.
    3. Grouping: Select a field and sort order to use to group ideas when using this view.
    4. Formatting: Select formatting options to customize the visual display of the view.
  6. Select Save, and then select Apply.


Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024