Configure an Idea List Filter

Add filters to the Idea List page to reduce the number of ideas displayed on the page based on specified criteria. The Idea List page supports two types of filters, personal and workspace. Personal filters are private and only accessible to the user who created them. Workspace filters are available to all members of the workspace. Your security privileges determine your ability to work with workspace filters.

To add an Idea List filter:

  1. In the object selector, select Ideas, and then select View All Ideas.
  2. Select Filters, and then select Manage Filters.
  3. In the navigation tree, select a view type (Workspace or Personal), select the Context menu, and then select Add.
  4. Enter a name for the new filter.
  5. Do the following to define the filter criteria:
    1. In the Match list, select an option to define the filter conditions:
      • All of the following: Only ideas that match all of the filter rules will be displayed when this filter is applied.
      • Any of the following: Only ideas that match at least one of the filter rules will be displayed when this filter is applied.
    2. Select Add a filter condition.
    3. In the first empty row, use the following fields to define a filter rule:
      • Field: The field to which the filter rule is applied.
      • Operator: The comparison operation for the filter rule.
      • Value: The value against which the filter rule compares the value of the selected field of each idea.
    4. Add rows for each filter rule you want to define.
    5. Add filter groups to define additional sets of conditions.
  6. Select Save.
  7. In the Manage Filters panel, select Close.


Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024