Resource Planning Overview

The Resource Planning page provides a time-phased view where portfolio managers can evaluate resource constraints and make the right project selections. This is where the high-level resource planning occurs.

Use the Resource Planning page to:

Understanding Role Availability

You can enter units in time-phased intervals on the timescale as job-hours or as full-time equivalent (FTE) values. FTE represents the number of full-time employees needed to complete the work in a specified time period. Planning units using FTE values makes it easy to compare work requirements across time intervals with different durations (such as months) and manage multiple roles that may all have different calendar availabilities. Depending on your user preferences, FTE can be entered as units/duration (whole numbers and decimals) or as percentages. Use the following guidelines to fill in the FTE value:

Related Topics

Add a Resource Planning Scenario

Configure the Resource Planning Page

Select Projects for a Resource Planning Scenario

Resource Scenario Optimization Overview

Resource Planning Fields

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024