Budget Planning Overview

The Budget Planning page provides a time-phased view where budget planners can evaluate cost constraints over the entire planning horizon and make the right project selections. This is where the detailed budget planning occurs.

Create a budget plan and select the right projects to execute for a specific planning period or budget cycle. Creating scenarios is a core process of the budget planning process. Scenarios are used to decide the best group of projects for each planning period. Budget planners use scenarios to create multiple what-if options and select different combinations of projects for the plan year.

The Published Views page contains customized layouts of the Budget Planning page so budget planners can focus on project attributes besides budget. Opening a published view display it on the Selection Analysis page. The same processes can be performed on both pages.

Use the Budget Planning page to:

Related Topics

Add a Budget Planning Scenario

Set the Target Budget for a Budget Planning Scenario

Create Budget Scenario Data by Import

Configure the Budget Planning Page

Select Projects for a Budget Planning Scenario

Budget Scenario Optimization Overview

Link a Project's Proposed Budget with a Forecast or Planned Budget Value

Directly Allocate a Proposed Budget and Dates for a Project Within Budget Plan Scenarios

Assign a Portfolio Fund to a Project

Portfolio Budget Plan Status Reference

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024