Selection Analysis Overview

Selection Analysis is the process of selecting the best group of projects in a portfolio to execute based on the analysis of a variety of financial attributes. While the Budget Planning page enables planners to select the right projects to execute based on budget constraints, the Selection Analysis page enables planners to analyze project attributes besides budget, such as Return on Investment, Net Present Value, and Profitability Index. The same processes can be performed on both pages.

One or more analysis views can be configured to graphically represent project data by different sets of criteria using a variety of charts and a grid. The charts are interactive based on the project selection in the grid.

Note: Analysis views are created in the settings and opened from the Published Views page. Opening an analysis view displays it on the Selection Analysis page. Analysis views are only available from the Published Views page if they have been created and associated to the portfolio.

Use the Selection Analysis page to:

Related Topics

Add a Budget Plan Scenario on the Selection Analysis Page

Set the Target Budget on the Selection Analysis Page

Create Budget Scenario Data by Import on the Selection Analysis Page

Configure the Selection Analysis Page

Select Projects for a Budget Plan Scenario on the Selection Analysis Page

Link a Project's Proposed Budget with a Forecast or Planned Budget Value on the Selection Analysis Page

Directly Allocate a Proposed Budget and Dates for Projects Within Budget Plan Scenarios on the Selection Analysis Page

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024