Modify Activity Details in the Gantt Chart

You can modify a variety of activities and relationship details directly in the Activities page Gantt chart. Create activities, adjust durations and dates, and establish relationships between activities. Add lag to relationships, or modify the relationship type. Hover over an activity or relationship line to view its details.

To modify activity details in the Gantt chart:

  1. Navigate to the Activities page
  2. Select the Gantt icon.
  3. In the Gantt chart, you can make the following changes:
    • To create an activity, right-click a row, and select Add Above or Add Below. Enter an activity name.
    • To modify an activity's start or finish date and its duration, select the left edge or right edge of an activity bar and drag it to a new date. The new date and duration are shown next to the bar as you drag it.
    • To modify an activity's start and finish dates without changing its duration, select the middle of the bar and drag it to a new date. The new start and finish dates are shown next to the bar as you drag it.
    • To delete an activity, right-click an activity bar, and select Delete Activity.
    • To create a relationship, hover over the left edge or right edge of an activity bar. Select the circle that appears and drag it to an edge of a different activity bar. A popover shows the proposed relationship and its type.
    • To edit an existing relationship, select a relationship line, and then select Edit Relationship. In the popover, edit the relationship type and lag, and then select Apply.
    • To delete an existing relationship, right-click a relationship line, and then select Delete Relationship.
    • Drag any activity bar past the data date line to set a Start On or After constraint.
  4. All changes made to this page are saved automatically.


Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024