Manage WBS on the Activities Page

Each WBS has its own structure with related activities which can be managed independently on the Activities Page in the current schedule, baseline, or scenario view without returning to the WBS page. Options to manage structure on the WBS page, such as adding, deleting, cutting or copying and pasting, and moving a WBS, are all available from the context menu beside any existing WBS node in both the Grid layout and the Gantt layout on the Activities Page.

The Activities grid must be organized by WBS and the view configured to show all levels in order to manage WBS structure from the Activities page.

To configure view settings to display WBS hierarchy in the Activities grid:

  1. Navigate to the Activities page
  2. Select the Settings icon.
  3. In the Manage Views panel, select the Grouping tab.
  4. Select the Configure tab and do the following:
    1. In the Group By section, select your grouping options:
      • Group By: Select WBS.
      • Sort Order: Select Hierarchy.
      • Grouping Interval: Select All.
    2. In the Band Options section, ensure that Hide if empty is de-selected in the View Options list, so that each level of the WBS hierarchy will display.
    3. Configure additional view options or display text as needed.
  5. Apply the view:

    In the Manage Views panel:

    1. Select Save As. When selected, you can create a new Personal, Project, or Workspace view with a new name in the Save View as window.
    2. Select Apply. When selected, you are returned to the grid. The grid displays any changes you have made; however, those changes are not saved. To save changes select Save or Save As in the View list.

Related Topics

Add a WBS from the Activities Page

Assign a Manager to a WBS

Add a File in a Files Detail Window

Cut or Copy and Paste a WBS Node

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024