Work Packages Overview

Work packages are used to breakdown the work defined in the WBS into smaller deliverables. Each work package contains a combination of the materials and steps needed to satisfy its deliverable. A work package that does not have any scope items assigned can be considered a planning package. The WBS ties the work package and the scope assignments to the schedule. Activities can be assigned to work packages.

Related Topics

Create a Work Package

Add a Work Package

Assign a Manager to a Work Package

Set the Progress Measure for a Work Package

Set the Percent Complete Weight Method for a Work Package

Set the Activity Percent Complete Weight Method for a Work Package

Add a File in a Files Detail Window

Assign a Scope Item to a Work Package

Download an Import Template for Work Packages and Scope Assignments

Import Work Packages and Scope Assignments

Distribute Hours and Quantities for a Scope Assignment Per Timescale Interval

Assign a Manager to a Scope Assignment

Add a Discussion

Work Packages Fields

Scope Assignments Fields

Update the Work Package Progress

Associating Activities with Scope Assignments and Work Packages for Scope Management Overview

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024