Primavera Cloud 24.9


Primavera Cloud is Getting a New-and-Improved Look -- Coming Soon.

Apps are organized in a menu instead of remaining static in the left sidebar, providing more room in the main window to work on your projects.

And, icons have been updated to make them easier to identify.

New Style Login for Primavera Cloud

The following enhancements have been made to the login screen for Primavera Cloud to improve usability:

Note: If you have Primavera Cloud bookmarked with the full URL path, remove it and use the first portion of the URL, for example, You will automatically be redirected to the new full URL path and see the new login.


Work Plan Swimlanes by Activity Codes

An additional swimlane type is available to select an activity code when defining a Task Plan on the Work Plan page. Up to three swimlane levels can be displayed. Task Plans created in the Web application are also displayed on the mobile app.

Work Plan Swimlanes by Activity Codes

An Icon is Added for Task Constraints

An icon now is now displayed for task constraints, for example when hovering over a task on the Work Plan page. The icon is filled in when a task has one or more active constraints. Click the icon to open the Constraints tab in the task details, and view or assign constraints.

Tasks on the Work Plan page display an icon for constraints.


Display Row Numbers on Activities Page

On the Activities page there is an option to display row numbers. This helps identify and quickly find activities during meetings, without having to use the ID numbers every time.

Display Row Numbers on Activities Page

Configured Fields

Search Capability for List Type Configured Fields

Type in a configured field that uses the List data type to find a value. This helps to quickly find and assign values from the list.

A column for a configured field on the Activities page, type to call up a value from a list.

Reorder Values for List Type Configured Fields

List type values for a configured field can now be reordered automatically, rather than manually moved within the list

The List detail window of a configured field shows an option for Reorder List Values from the context menu.


Auto-refresh when a Form is Saved

When a form is saved in the project/portfolio Details page or in the Forms app, it will automatically be refreshed and reloaded to display the latest data. For example, if formula based fields are used in forms, the values will automatically get recalculated when the save occurs.

A form used for the project details in Summary and Settings.

Additional Enhancements

Tasks No Longer Appear Working on Non-Work Days in Mobile

When viewing tasks on the Work Plan on a mobile device, it will be easier to tell when a task is spanning over non-workdays but not actually working on those days.

Icons Displayed for Tasks Not Completed in Mobile

When viewing non completed tasks on a mobile device, various icons for the task will be displayed:

Expected Finish Date Will Default to Remaining Early Finish Date

When viewing My Activities on a mobile device and setting the expected finish date constraint, the calendar date will default to the remaining early finish date of the activity if the date was not previously set. This helps orient where the activity was scheduled to finish.

Task Plan Name Visible on Work Plan Page in Mobile

When viewing the Work Plan page on a mobile device, if a Task Plan is applied to the page, the name of the plan will appear at the top of the view.

Managed Services Included Additional Status for Evaluation Matrices

The nightly job for Evaluation Matrices will also display status for sub-categories that are manual entry, or have no thresholds set.

User Group Usage Available for Workflows

When creating a workflow, the Automatic Decision Step and Performers will display user group usage.

Group By and Sorting Available on Portfolio Scorecard

The Portfolio Scorecard page now includes the ability to sort columns and use the group by feature.

Auto Numbering Response Action IDs

When adding a response action, the application will automatically add an ID by incrementing the previous ID number. Autonumbering can also be configured per business need.

Risk Analysis Will Update Manual Curve When Duration is Changed

When running Risk Analysis, the manual curve will be updated when the duration changes for activities with fixed duration and units/time duration types. This ensures that the calculation of remaining cost is accurate.

Risk Description, Cause, and Effect added to Risk Response Actions Page

When viewing the Risk Response Actions page, you can now view the description, cause and effect for the risk.

Text Type Configured Fields Support 2,000 Characters

When creating a text type configured field, the character limit for the field has been increased to 2,000 characters.

Last Published Thursday, September 5, 2024