Configure a Default Layout

After you have added or imported additional layouts, you can set a layout as the default layout for the selected report or print layout. Setting a layout as a default makes it the primary selection at runtime.

When you run a report, if no default is selected, <Primavera Cloud Layout> will be the default option. For a print layout, if no default is selected, the first layout in the list will be the default option.

The user running the report or print layout can still change the layout at runtime from the default option.

To configure a default layout:

  1. In the object selector, select a workspace, project, portfolio, or program.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Reports, and select Report List or Print Layouts.
  3. On the page, select a report or print layout, and then select the Layouts detail window.

    Note: Print Layouts are available only in the workspace, project, and portfolio contexts.

  4. In the Layouts detail window, select a layout, and then select Default.