Working with Summary & Settings

The Summary & Settings panel enables you to create, manage, and view data configurations without leaving your current page. You can create dictionary items when you need them at the project, portfolio, program, or workspace level. After you create your dictionary item, you can close the panel and return to your app page where your object will be ready for use. The menu options in the Summary & Settings panel will vary based on your context and security privileges. See Summary & Settings for related help content.

General navigation elements in Oracle Primavera Cloud Summary and Settings panel. Labeled elements are described in the corresponding table of screen highlights.

Table of Screen Highlights




Context bar: The context bar shows the main object you are currently working in.


Views: View options appear if you can view and edit data at the workspace, project, portfolio, program, or idea levels. Select a view to work with that level of data.


Menu: Menus group and organize pages. The menu items available depend on which view you are using.


Pages: Pages contain editable content. Access pages to monitor and manipulate the data of your main objects. You can access relevant pages in the sidebar navigation.


Help: Opens a panel which contains a description of the page and resources for receiving application assistance. Select View Help panel to access help documentation.

Close: The close button returns your focus to the app page.