Delete a Project

Deleting a project will remove relationships with other items, such as project dependencies and portfolios, and will also delete files added to the project.

If you delete a project that is synchronized with P6 EPPM, the setting in P6 EPPM that indicates a project is synchronized with Oracle Primavera Cloud is cleared. The project is not deleted from P6 EPPM.

You cannot delete a project that is included on a portfolio budget planning scenario. You must delete it from the scenario first.

After a project has been deleted, all rolled up values are recalculated.

To delete a project:

  1. In the object selector, select Projects, and then select View All Projects.
  2. In the table, select the project row or rows.
  3. Select the Context menu, and select Delete.
  4. In the Delete dialog box, choose to delete the project permanently or mark the project as inactive, and then select OK.
  5. In the Confirm dialog box, select Yes.
  6. Save your changes:
    1. Select Save.
    2. In the inventory panel, select Close.
