Add a Portfolio to a Portfolio

Portfolios can be manually added to portfolios to create a portfolio of portfolios or a portfolio with a combination of projects and portfolios. Portfolios added to a portfolio must belong to the same workspace or a child workspace of the parent portfolio. A portfolio can belong to multiple portfolios.

To add a portfolio to a portfolio:

  1. In the object selector, select Portfolios, and then select View All Portfolios.
  2. In the table, select the portfolio.
  3. Select the Portfolio List detail window.
  4. In the Portfolio List detail window, select Edit.
  5. In the Edit Portfolio List dialog box, select an available portfolio, and select OK.
  6. Select Save.
  7. In the inventory panel, select Close.

You can also perform this task from the Summary & Settings panel for the object in Primavera Cloud:

  1. In the object selector, select a portfolio.
  2. In the sidebar, select Summary & Settings.
  3. On the Summary & Settings menu, select Details.