Publish a Workflow Configuration

After you are done editing and validating a workflow configuration, publish it to make the complete workflow available for use.

Note: After you publish a workflow configuration, you can edit most of its properties to create a new draft, but you cannot change its name or Context Type.

To publish a workflow configuration:

  1. In the object selector, select a workspace.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Workflows and Forms, and select Workflow Configuration.
  3. On the Workflow Configuration page, select a workflow configuration.
  4. When you are ready to enable the workflow configuration and complete workflow, select Publish.

If you publish a workflow configuration that already has a published version, a new version of the configuration is created. The new version becomes the version that is active and available for use with workflow designs. Any workflow configuration that uses an old version of a workflow design will continue to use that version of the design, but any new configuration will use the latest version of the design.

You can view all versions of the configuration on the Workflow Configuration page. Old versions are listed beneath the latest version.