Custom Form Assignments

In Primavera Cloud, custom forms can be used to replace default forms and "system" forms.

Default Forms

Default forms are part of the Primavera Cloud user interface and can be replaced with custom forms. They include—

System Forms

System forms are pre-built forms that appear during various workflow processes. These forms can be viewed on the Form Design page, where you can duplicate and customize them. System forms include—

For example, when a user proposes a Risk in a brand new Primavera Cloud deployment, the default Propose Risk form asks the user for basic information. On the Summary & Settings page, you can replace this default form with a custom risk form that includes the fields of your choosing.

In order for a custom form to be used in place of a default form, it has to have the right Context Type value. For example, only forms with a Context Type value of Risk can be used to replace a default risk proposal form.