Configure Network Settings

The Activity Network is a view that displays a full diagram of the activities and relationships in your project. Configure the number of activity-related fields to display in each activity box.

You can configure network settings on the following pages:

To configure Activity Network settings:

  1. Navigate to a page, and then select the Settings icon.
  2. In the Manage Views or Settings panel, select the view to configure.
  3. Select the Network Setting tab.
  4. In the Customize Activity Box Fields section, display up to eight additional fields across two columns. Select One field per line to limit the display to a single column of four fields.
  5. In the Preview section, you can preview the display of an activity box based on your selected fields.
  6. Apply the view:

    In the Manage Views panel:

    1. Select Save. When selected, you are saving all changes to the current view.
    2. Select Save As. When selected, you can create a new Personal, Project, or Workspace view with a new name in the Save View as window.
    3. Select Apply. When selected, you are returned to the grid. The grid displays any changes you have made; however, those changes are not saved. To save changes select Save or Save As in the View list.
    4. Select Reset.
    5. Select Close.

    In the Settings panel:

    • Select Save.