Add a Project to a Program

You can view the projects currently added to a program or add a new project to the program. A project can belong to multiple programs at a time.

Note: You can only add projects to a program that belong to the same workspace as the program or a child workspace.

To add a project to a program:

  1. In the object selector, select a program.
  2. In the sidebar, select Summary & Settings.
  3. On the Summary & Settings menu, select Details.
  4. In the Project List detail window, select Manage Projects.
  5. In the Manage Projects dialog box, select one of the following options to define how projects are added to the program:
    • Manual Selection: Manually add projects from the Available section to the Selected section.
    • Filter: Specify the filtering criteria for including projects in the program.

      Note: If the project is not currently associated to a program, the current program will be automatically set as the primary program.

  6. In the Manage Projects dialog box, select Save.
  7. Select Save.
  8. In the Summary & Settings panel, select Close.

You can also perform this task from the Programs inventory panel:

  1. In the object selector, select Programs, and then select View All Programs.
  2. Select a program from the list of programs in the Programs inventory panel.
  3. Select Manage Projects in the Project List section.
