Actuals Fields


Confirmed Date

The date that the actual was approved.

Effective Date

The date the actual is effective.

Withdrawal Confirmation Date

The date that confirmation of the project actual was withdrawn.


Total Amount

Total Amount is calculated as the sum of the Amount of each actual line item. The value can be positive or negative.


Company Name

The name of the company associated with the actual.

Confirmed By

The username of the user who approved the item.


The currency associated with the actual.


Details about the actual.

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate used to convert the Total Amount value from the record currency to the base currency.


That status of the actual. Valid values are Pending and Confirmed.

Withdrawal Confirmation By

The username of the user who withdrew confirmation of the project actual.


Total Hours

Total Hours is calculated as the sum of the Hours of each actual line item. The value can be positive or negative.