Copy a Global Change from Another Project

If you plan to use the same global change parameters across multiple projects, you can save time by copying one or more existing global changes from another project into your current project. You can choose to copy public global changes or private global changes if you are the owner or an application administrator. Global changes can only be copied from projects in the same workspace as the project you are working in. After a global change is copied, the new global change can be modified without affecting the original.

To copy a global change from another project, you must have the required security privileges to add and edit global changes.

After a global change is added or copied, it can be run on demand at any time. For more information, see Run a Global Change.

To copy a global change from another project:

  1. Navigate to the project Activities page
  2. On the Actions menu, select Global Change.
  3. In the Global Changes panel, select Get Global Changes.
  4. In the Get Global Changes dialog box, do the following:
    1. Select the project whose global changes you want to copy. The list contains projects that belong to the same workspace as your current project.
    2. Select Next.
    3. Select the check box next to any global changes that you want to copy. Select the Preview icon to preview the global change's parameters.
    4. Select Copy.
  5. The selected global changes are copied to your project.