Enable or Disable an Evaluation Matrix Subcategory

An evaluation model may mature over time, especially in complex or long-term projects. Because subcategories currently in use cannot be deleted, you can update your evaluation matrix by enabling or disabling existing subcategories. For more information about Evaluation Matrices, see Evaluation Matrix Overview.

To enable or disable an existing evaluation matrix subcategory:

  1. In the object selector, select a workspace.
  2. In the sidebar, select Summary & Settings.
  3. On the Summary & Settings menu, select Dictionaries, and then select Evaluation Categories.
  4. Select the Context menu of an existing subcategory, and select Enable or Disable.
  5. Select Save.
  6. In the Summary & Settings panel, select Close.

    Note: The weight of the scores is recalculated when subcategories are enabled or disabled.


This setting is used in the following apps:

Portfolio Analysis
Strategic Alignment