Add an Analysis View to a Workspace

Add an analysis view to create a meaningful display of portfolio budget plan scenario data. When adding an analysis view, you can select a view type to specify the arrangement for the charts and grids included in the view.

After creation, workspace analysis views can be configured and made available to the portfolios in your workspace.

To add an analysis view to a workspace:

  1. In the object selector, select a workspace.
  2. In the sidebar, select Summary & Settings.
  3. On the Summary & Settings menu, select Dictionaries, and then select Analysis Views.
  4. Select Add View , and select a view type.
  5. In the Name dialog box, enter a unique name for the analysis view.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Select Save.
  8. In the Summary & Settings panel, select Close.


This setting is used in the following apps:

Cost and Funds