Set the Target Budget for a Budget Planning Scenario

Set a target budget for the entire planning horizon. This value is used during the planning and selection process to guide budget planners when selecting projects for inclusion in the budget scenarios on the Budget Planning page and when using Selection Analysis views.

Target Budget values added to a scenario on the Budget Planning page will also appear in the same scenario on the Selection Analysis page.

To set the target budget:

  1. In the object selector, select a portfolio.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Cost and Funds, and select Budget Planning.
  3. In the context bar, select the planning period menu, and select the planning year, which is either the current year or the subsequent year.
  4. Select the scenario from Scenario.
  5. Select Grid from the Layout menu.
  6. In the Target Budget row, enter a value which defines the target budget for the entire planning horizon in the Total column.
  7. Select Save.