Collaborate on an Approved Portfolio Budget Plan from the Spending Page

When a portfolio budget plan is in execution, questions may arise about the performance of the plan as a whole or individual projects. Collaborate with stakeholders when monitoring the performance of portfolios and their budget plans.

To collaborate on an approved budget plan:

  1. In the object selector, select a portfolio.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Portfolio Analysis, and select Spending.
  3. On the Spending page, review data for the projects in the budget plan, and select to review or post a new comment.
    • Select Discuss to open the Discussion panel.

      Note: If no comments have been posted to the Discussion panel, the Discuss icon is empty.

    To post a new comment:

    • In the Post a comment field, enter a comment, and select Post.

    To reply to a comment:

    • Select Comment.
    • In the Post a reply field, enter a reply, and select Reply.
