Adjusting the Duplicate Proposal Approval Notification Form Properties

Note: This topic is part of the Creating a Project Proposal Approval Workflow: Example series.

To adjust the properties of the duplicate Proposal Approval Notification form and create the Proposal Rejected Notification form:

  1. On the Forms page, select the Proposal Approval Notification-1 form.
  2. Select the instruction text at the top of the form.
  3. In the Properties: Instructions area, in the text area, replace the approval message with this message: The project proposal has been rejected.
  4. Select the white background of the form.
  5. In the Properties: Form area, in the Name field, enter Proposal Rejected Notification.
  6. In the Description field, replace the approval description with this text: Notification that the proposal has been rejected.
  7. Select the instruction text above the Cash Flow link.
  8. Press Delete.
  9. Select the Cash Flow link.
  10. Press Delete.
  11. Select Save.
  12. Select Publish.
  13. Select Yes in the confirmation dialog box.