Set the Progress Measure for a Work Package

Setting the Progress Measure option enables you to determine how progress is measured against scope assignments in work packages.

To set the progress measure:

  1. In the object selector, select a project.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Scope, and select Work Packages.
  3. In the table, select the work package.
  4. Select the General detail window.
  5. Select the Progress Measure option.
    • Milestone Percent Complete: This option uses a selected Rule of Credit to measure progress.
    • Physical Percent Complete: This option allows users to manually enter Installed Quantity for scope assignments.
  6. If Milestone Percent Complete is selected, select options for the following:
    • Rule of Credit Method: A defined set of milestones that are used to show progress for each scope assignment in the work package.
    • Progress Type: Select Sequential if milestones must be completed in order, or select Non Sequential if order does not matter for the rule of credit.
  7. Select Save.