Update an Adjusted Value for a Scope Assignment

As work is performed on the project, expenses (time and money) other than those related to the scope assignments may be incurred for the work package. While pending items are awaiting approval, you might want a way to represent those values knowing that they will be approved in the future. Use the Adjusted Cost, Adjusted Hours, and Adjusted Quantity fields to reflect these values.

These values are used to calculate At Completion Cost, At Completion Hours, and At Completion Quantity. The values for At Completion Cost and At Completion Hours are rolled up to the work package level.

To update adjusted values for scope assignments:

  1. In the object selector, select a project.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Scope, and select Scope Assignments.
  3. On the Scope Assignments page, in the Work Package field, select the name of the work package.
  4. Select Status.
  5. Update the values for the Adjusted Cost, Adjusted Hours, and Adjusted Quantity fields.
  6. Select Save.