Promote a Project Role to a Workspace

When a role is added at the project level and it is later determined that the role should be made available at the workspace level, the role can be promoted to the workspace level. Promoted roles are available to be assigned to all of the projects in the owning workspace. Codes and resources that are assigned to the role are also promoted, and the relationships stay intact. You can only promote roles that are owned by the current project.

After a role is promoted, only its project-level availability and rate data can be edited in the current project. All other role information must be edited in the owning workspace. At the workspace level, you can modify the role's availability and rate data without affecting its project-level values.

To promote a project role to a workspace:

  1. Navigate to the project roles page
  2. Select Promote.
  3. In the Promote Roles dialog box, select the roles to promote to the workspace level, and then select Promote.
  4. All changes made to this page are saved automatically.
