Submitting Schedules

  1. Click Calculate to update labor cost calculations. The schedule editor updates total hours in real time, but does not calculate and update labor cost until you click Calculate.
  2. Click the Summary tab to view the labor costs for the week.
  3. Click an employee name to view a summary of their assigned shifts.
  4. Click the Schedule Notes tab and enter notes, considerations, or messages about the schedule.
  5. Click Save to check for schedule warnings and violations, and to save changes to the schedule. You can save the schedule with warnings, but you must resolve violations before you can save.
  6. Click the Violation/Warning tab to review warnings and violations.

    Warnings include scheduling employees outside of store work hours, and scheduling employees beyond their minimum or maximum work hours.

    Violations include scheduling employees on Leave of Absence, or scheduling employees with approved Time Off requests.

  7. Click Submit to finalize a saved schedule and begin the schedule review and approval process. Submitted schedules cannot be changed without requiring approval.

    If you made changes to an approved schedule, click Publish to submit the changes for approval.