Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > CTI Integration APIs >

CTI Activity Web Service

CTI activities are created using the CTI Activity Web service in Oracle CRM On Demand.

The CTI Activity Web service:

  • Is a stateless Web service, therefore user credentials must always be passed in the SOAP header in the WSSE UsernameToken token in the Username and Password parameters. For an example of a SOAP request, see CTIActivityInsert SOAP Request.
  • Requires the agent to be provisioned for CTI. To issue CTIActivityInsert requests, the appropriate privileges for accessing call, chat, email, or voicemail communications are required. For more information about necessary privileges, see CTI Role Privileges.
  • Uses the CTIActivity WSDL file, which is only available from the Web Services Administration page in Oracle CRM On Demand, if the user has the Manage CTI On Demand Access privilege. For a listing of the WSDL file, see CTI Activity Web Services Description Language File.
  • Has two methods, the CTIActivityInsert method and the CTIActivityWrapUp method.

The CTIActivityInsert method of the CTI Activity Web service creates one or more CTI activities in Oracle CRM On Demand, and returns details on the activity, including information about records related to the activity.

The CTIActivityWrapUp method of the CTIActivity Web service automatically performs wrap-up on multiple CTI activities in Oracle CRM On Demand.

Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide, Release 34 Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.