Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > Tracking UI Events in the CTI Application > UI Controls >

View Chat Button

Clicking this button in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI opens the chat transcript associated with the interaction.

The HTML custom attributes for the button are:

  • data-cti-action="openChat"
  • data-cti-interactionId="interactionId"

An example of HTML for the button is as follows:

<td onmouseover="toggleNavButton(this);" onmouseout="toggleNavButton(this);" onkeypress="onButtonPress(this);"

onclick="function () {return false;};" tabindex="2" class="buttonTD" data-cti-action="openChat" data-cti-interactionId="21646540540654064" id="CODDetailChatForm32883963*2">

&#160;View Chat&#160;</td>

Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide, Release 34 Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.