Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide > JavaScript API Reference > Methods for the Field Object >

Finding Field Names

For methods that reference fields, you must use the correct field names, which you can find from the HTML Field Tag column in the Fields page in the UI for each record type, if your role includes the Upload Client Side Extensions and Manage Custom HTML Head Tag privilege. In recent versions of browsers, you can also use developer tools to find field names.

To find field names in the Fields page

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Record Type Setup section, click the link for the required record type.
  4. In the Field Management section, click record type Field Setup.

    The record type Fields page displays the HTML Field Tag column. This column contains the language-independent field name for each field.

To find field names using browser developer tools

  1. Right click in the field for which the name is required.
  2. Select the appropriate option, for example, Inspect element or Inspect with.

    The name of the option varies with browser versions. The browser opens developer tools and highlights the relevant element of the HTML source. The HTML source element has name and id attributes that indicate the field name.

  3. For New or Edit pages, check the field name, which is in the format: FormName.FieldName.

    For example, in AccountEditForm.Location the part after the dot, Location, is the field name.

    In some browser versions you may also see an id attribute with a value like the following, where the part after the final dot is the field name:


  4. For Detail and List pages, check the id attribute value of the <td> element containing the field, which is in the format AX.RY.FieldName, for example, A0.R1.Location. In the attribute value, X is the applet index and Y is the row index. For Detail forms, the prefix is always A0.R0, while for full lists, the prefix is A0.RY. The part after the last dot, for example, Location, is the field name.

NOTE:  For check boxes and multi-select picklist fields, the HTML source element highlighted by developer tools is not the element that indicates the field name. In this case, the next element contains the attributes that indicate the real field name.

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