Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide > JavaScript API Code Samples >

Code Sample for a Custom Button That Creates a Child Record

This following code sample creates a custom button labeled Create Task on the Opportunity Detail page. When the button is clicked, the REST API is used to create a child Activity record. In the createTask() function, you must replace <PodURL> with the URL for your pod. The Restful Services Integration privilege is required to send REST requests.

function createHttpRequest (httpmethod)


var xmlhttpRequest = null;

xmlhttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

if (typeof xmlhttpRequest.overrideMimeType != 'undefined')




return xmlhttpRequest;




// when on the Opportunity Detail page

if(oraclecrmod.ctx.object == "Opportunity" && oraclecrmod.ctx.isDetailPage())


function createTask()


var id = oraclecrmod.getField("Id").getValue();

var insertPayload = "{\"Activities\":[ \

{ \

   \"Activity\": \"Appointment\", \

   \"Subject\": \"Opp Auto Appointment\", \

   \"Type\": \"Other\", \

   \"Location\": \"Markham\", \

   \"OpportunityId\":\"" + id + "\" \

} \


//Calls REST API to create Task

var url = "<PodURL>/OnDemand/user/Rest/026/Activities";

var req = createHttpRequest ("POST");'POST', url, false);





if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 201)





// get the title bar

titleBar = oraclecrmod.getTitleBar("OpportunityFormTB");

// create the new button

button = oraclecrmod.createButton({id:"CreateTaskButton", text:"Create Task",parent:titleBar});

// associate the createTask function with the button click event

button.on("click", createTask);




Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide, Release 34 Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.