Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide > Using Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales > Working with Leads >

Qualifying Leads

You can qualify leads from within Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales. Use the following procedure.

NOTE:  To perform this procedure, your user role must include the Qualify Leads privilege.

To qualify leads

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales, display the detail page for a lead.
  2. On the Lead Detail page, make sure that the lead's First Name, Last Name, Rating, and Sales Person fields contain valid values.

    These fields are required to qualify the lead. In addition, if the Lead record type is configured in the user mode of record ownership, then the Owner Full Name field must contain valid values.

  3. Tap the menu icon (lll).
  4. Choose Mark as Qualified.

    Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales verifies that the critical fields contain data. If the criteria are met, the lead Status field value changes to Qualified.

If you receive an error message after clicking Mark as Qualified, verify that the Qualified Date field has not been customized with a read-only value.

Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide, Version 1.4.21 Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.