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Managing Detail Page Images

From the Content Management section of the Admin Homepage, you can access the Manage Detail Page Images page, where you can review images that are associated with detail pages.

The Manage Detail Page Images page shows only images that are displayed on detail pages and provides a central location for managing all such images. Alternatively, you can visit detail pages and manage the images individually. Reviewing images helps you to determine which images are taking up large amounts of storage space.

Before you begin. To perform the procedures for managing detail page images, your role must include the following privileges in the Admin: Content Management category:

  • Manage Content
  • Manage Content - Manage Attachments and Detail Page Images

To manage detail page images

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Content Management section, click the Content Management link.
  3. In the Manage Attachments and Images section, click the Manage Detail Page Images link.
  4. The Manage Detail Page Images page opens. It has the following columns:
    • Image. A thumbnail of the image.
    • Size (in Bytes). The size of the image stored in Oracle CRM On Demand.
    • Created By. The user name of the user that added the image.
    • Modified By. The user name of the user that last modified the image.
    • Last Modified. The date and time the image was last modified.
    • Object Type. The record type to which the image is associated.
    • Object Id. The row ID of the record to which the image is associated.
  5. Do any of the following:
    • To delete an image, select Delete in the record-level menu for the image. Then follow the prompts.
    • To download an image, select Download in the record-level menu for the image. Then follow the prompts.
    • To replace an image, select Replace in the record-level menu for the image. Then follow the prompts.
    • To limit the images displayed in the list, click the drop-down menu and change the selection.

      The drop-down list contains standard lists distributed with the application.

    • To export a list, click Menu and select Export List. For more information, see Exporting Records in Lists.
    • To create a new list, click Create New List. For more information, see Working with Lists.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.