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Campaign Fields

Use the Campaign Edit page to add a campaign or update details for an existing campaign. The Campaign Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a campaign.

TIP: You can also edit campaigns on the Campaign List page and the Campaign Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize your application in a variety of ways, such as changing names for record types, fields, and options in drop-down lists. Therefore, the information you see onscreen might differ from the standard information described in this table.

The following table provides additional information regarding some fields.



Key Campaign Information

Source Code

Campaign identifier code. Make sure the code you enter is unique. This field has a maximum of 30 characters.

Campaign Name

Descriptive name of the campaign. This field has a maximum of 100 characters.

Campaign Type

Type of campaign, such as Advertisement, Direct Mail, Email, Event - Other, Event - Seminar, Event - Trade Show, List - Purchased, List - Rented, Other, Referral - Employee, Referral - External, or Web Site.


Description of the campaign’s objective, such as “To increase sales by 10%.”


Target audience of the campaign.


Description of the product or service the campaign is offering.


Campaign status, such as:

  • Active. Start date is in the past and end date is in the future
  • Completed. Start and end dates are in the past.
  • Planned. Start and end dates are in the future.
  • Scheduled. You can manually set this status to indicate that the campaign is ready and is now set to execute at a particular date and time.
  • Contact Support. You can use this status to indicate any issues with the campaign where Oracle Support has to be contacted. Email campaigns set up using Oracle Email Marketing On Demand (EMOD) before it was discontinued used to be updated with this status to indicate that there was a problem with the campaign.

You must set the status. The system does not automatically update it when the campaign is launched.

Start Date

Date and time the campaign starts. Defaults to the current date and time. You can use the calendar controls to change this date.

End Date

Date and time the campaign is scheduled to be completed. Defaults to the current date and time. You can use the calendar controls to change this date.

Campaign Currency

Enter the code (such as USD) for the currency used for all revenue fields.

Campaign Plan Information

Revenue Target

Revenue expected to be generated by the campaign.

Leads Targeted (#)

Number of prospects the campaign targets.

Budgeted Cost

Amount your company budgets for this campaign.

Actual Cost

Amount your company is spending on this campaign.

Additional Information


The alias of the owner of the campaign record.

Generally, the owner of a record can update the record, transfer the record to another owner, or delete the record. However, your company administrator can adjust the access levels to restrict or expand a user's access.

The value in the Owner field affects which records are included in reports that you or your managers run from Reports and Dashboard pages.

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, you might see the Owner field, or the Book field, or both of these fields on the record Detail page, and one or both of the fields might be blank. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.


Description of the campaign. This field has a limit of 16,350 characters.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.