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Contact Fields

Use the Contact Edit page to add a contact or update details for an existing contact. The Contact Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a contact.

TIP: You can also edit contact information on the Contact List page and the Contact Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize your application in a variety of ways, such as changing names for record types, fields, and options in drop-down lists. Therefore, the information you see onscreen might differ from the standard information described in this table.

The following table provides additional information regarding some fields.



Key Contact Information


Account the contact is linked to.

NOTE: It is possible to link a contact to more than one account; see Linking Contacts to Multiple Accounts for more information.


The email address of the contact. For information about the characters that are supported for use in email addresses, see About Special Characters in Email Addresses.

Opt In

Used in the U.S. and Europe to indicate that a customer has explicitly chosen to participate in either their information sharing or marketing communications.

Opt Out

Used in the U.S. and Europe to indicate that a customer has explicitly chosen not to allow their information to be shared or has chosen not to receive marketing communications.

Contact Detail Information

Contact Type

The type of contact, such as Prospect, Qualified Lead, Customer, Partner, Client, and Competitor.

The Client value is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

NOTE: If you select the Client value in this field, then the Client Since Date field is automatically populated with the current date.


Name of the department of the contact.


Name of the manager of the contact.

Lead Source

Lead source of the contact, such as Advertisement, Direct Mail, Email, Web Site, and Other.

Source Campaign

The campaign that generated the contact. If the contact is created through the lead conversion process, this field is automatically populated from the Campaign field on the lead record. If the contact is created by a user, the user can enter the information in this field.

Assistant Name

Name of the contact’s assistant.

Assistant Phone #

Phone number of the contact’s assistant.


Indicates that the contact is private and cannot be viewed by other users.

Never Email

Indicates that the contact does not want to receive email.


Default values are PHD, M.D., D.O., MBA, RN, R.T., Reg. Pharmacist, Master of Science, Dentist, LPN, and Master of Public Health. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Market Potential

Default values are High, Medium, and Low. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Call Frequency

Default values are No See, 1-2 Times/Year, 3-4 Times/Year, and >5 Time/Year. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

YTD Sales

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.


Default values are Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, and Route 4. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Blocked Reason Code

A value in this field indicates that the contact is blocked from receiving any information, samples, or promotional items for all products. For more information about the contact-blocking functionality, see About Blocked Contacts and Blocking Contacts.

Last Call Date

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Best Time to Call

Indicates the best time of day to reach a contact. Default values are Early afternoon, Early morning, Evening, Late afternoon, Mid-morning, and Saturday. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Additional Information

Account Address fields

Primary address. Inherited from the account linked to the contact. Read only.

Contact address fields

Alternate address of the contact.

NOTE: If shared addresses are set up for your company, then the contact addresses are read-only, and the address fields change to meet the requirements for shared addresses. Other users in your company can view the shared address data for private contacts. For more information about shared addresses, see Addresses.


The alias of the owner of the contact record.

Generally, the owner of a record can update the record, transfer the record to another owner, or delete the record. However, your company administrator can adjust the access levels to restrict or expand a user's access.

The value in the Owner field affects which records are included in the reports that you or your managers run.

You can share contact records with other users through the Contact Team or Account team pages. For information about sharing records with other users, see Sharing Records (Teams).

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, you might see the Owner field, or the Book field, or both of these fields on the record Detail page, and one or both of the fields might be blank. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.


Additional information about the contact. This field has a limit of 16,350 characters.

Available Section

Current Investment Mix

Default values are Aggressive, Moderate, and Conservative. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


Default values are Capital Preservation, Income, Income/Growth, Balanced, Growth, Aggressive Growth, and International Diversification. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


Default values are White Collar, Blue Collar, Rural/Farming, Mass Retail, Mass Affluent, High Net Worth, Penta-Millionaires, and Ultra High Net Worth. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Experience Level

Default values are None, Limited, Good, and Extensive. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Risk Profile

Default values are Conservative, Moderate, and Aggressive. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Primary Goal

Default values are Saving for child’s education, Saving for College, New Home, Accumulating wealth, Estate planning, Preserving my assets, and Retirement. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Life Event

Default values are Marriage, Birth of Child, Retirement, Divorce, and Other. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Investment Horizon

Default values are Short term, Medium term, and Long term. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


Default values are Gold, Silver, Bronze, Top 100, Top, Medium, and Low. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Total Liabilities

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Total Net Worth

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Total Income

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Total Assets

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Total Expenses

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Credit Score

This field is specific Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Marital Status

Default values are Single, Divorced, Married, Partner, Separated, Widowed, and Widower. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Own or Rent

Default values are Own or Rent. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Home Value

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Date of Birth

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Tax Bracket

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Customer ID

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


Default values are F and M. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Client Since Date

Automatically populated with the current date when the Contact Type is set to Client. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Referred By

The person who referred the contact. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Qualified Date

Automatically populated with the current date when the client is qualified. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


Status of the Contact. Default values are Active, Quiet Filed, or Dead Filed. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


The client's profession. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.