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Example of Using Structured Product Messaging Records and Product Indications

This topic gives one example of how administrators or sales managers might set up the Structured Product Messaging (SPM) records and Product Indication records for sales representatives to detail or drop off products for customers. You might use this feature differently, depending on your business model.

  1. A sales manager or administrator typically sets up the following information for the sales team:
    • A Call Objective Plan (Messaging Plan) for a specific product that might optionally include a specific indication (product indication)

      For information on messaging plans, see Messaging Plans.

    • Product Indication records as required

      For information on production indications, see Product Indications.

    • The Call Objectives (Messaging Plan Items), Next Call Objectives (Messaging Plan Item Relations), and Outcomes (Message Responses) for the Call Objective Plan, as required

      This step standardizes the call purpose and outcome, and it structures the goals of each call for the sales team.

      For information on messaging plan items, see Messaging Plan Items. For information on messaging plan item relations, see Messaging Plan Item Relations. For information on message responses, see Adjusting Message Responses.

  2. After the SPM records and product indications are set up, a pharmaceutical sales representative typically performs the following tasks:
    1. Visits a physician or hospital and enters the call information in the Call Detail page for the account or contact

      For information on conducting sales calls, see Tracking Visits (Sales Calls) to Customers.

    2. Documents the samples or promotional items dropped for each contact, using the appropriate related information section in the Call Detail page (Samples Dropped or Promotional Items Dropped)

      For information on documenting the samples or promotional items dropped, see Linking Samples Dropped Information to Calls or Linking Promotional Item Information to Calls.

    3. Documents the products detailed for each contact or account, using the Product Detailed related information section in the Call Detail page. For each product detailed, the sales representative can do the following:
      • Select the indication (product indication).
      • Document additional call objectives, next call objectives, and outcomes.
      • (Optional) The sales representative can identify the indication and document the appropriate call objectives, next call objectives, and outcomes.

        For information on documenting products detailed, see Linking Product Detailed Information to Calls.

    4. After the sales representative has selected and documented all items related to the call, the sales representative submits the call.

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