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Personalizing Related Information Layouts

If your user role has the Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege, then you can create a personalized layout of the related information sections on the Detail page for a record type. The related information sections show the different record types that can be linked to the selected record. For example, notes and activities are related information that can be linked to opportunities or contacts. Your company administrator determines the type and order of the related information sections that appear on each Detail page by default. You can change the order of the related information sections or hide any related information sections that you are not using. Changing these settings affects only your view of the application.

NOTE: If your company administrator removes the Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege from your user role, then you cannot personalize the layout of the related information sections on your Detail pages.

About Static and Dynamic Detail Page Layouts

Detail page layouts can be static or dynamic. When static page layouts are used, you see the same page layout for all records of a given record type. Dynamic page layouts allow your company administrator to specify different page layouts for different records of the same record type, depending on the value that is selected in a specific picklist field on the record. You can personalize both static and dynamic page layouts.

About Changes to Default Page Layouts After Personalized Related Information Layouts Are Created

Your company administrator can update a static page layout or any of the page layouts used in a dynamic layout at any time. After you create a personalized layout of the related information sections for a Detail page for a record type, any changes that the company administrator makes to the availability of related information sections on the default page layout are not immediately reflected in your personalized layout.

What Happens If Related Information Sections Are Added to the Default Page Layout?

Your company administrator might add new related information sections to a default page layout for a record type for your user role after you create a personalized layout for the record type. If that happens, and if you want to add any of the new sections to your personalized layout for that page, then you must first reset your page layout to the default layout. You can then use the default page layout or create a new personalized layout that includes the new sections.

What Happens If Related Information Sections Are Removed from the Default Page Layout?

Your company administrator might remove related information sections from the default page layout for a record type for your user role. If any of the sections that the company administrator removes from the default page layout are included in your personalized layout for that page, then those sections continue to be available in your personalized layout until you remove them from your layout or you reset your layout to the default layout.

Personalizing Related Information Layouts for Static Page Layouts

The following procedure describes how to personalize the layout of the related information sections for a static layout by accessing the Personal Layout page through the My Setup global link. You can also personalize the layout of the related information sections for a static page layout by clicking the Edit Layout link on a record Detail page. For static layouts, the behavior is the same regardless of how you access the page.

To personalize the layout of the related information sections for a static Detail page layout

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the My Setup global link.
  2. In the Layout Personalization section, click the Personal Layout link.
  3. In the Personal Detail Page Layout section, click the Layout page link whose detail page layout you want to change.
  4. If the Personal Layout page opens, then click Related Information Layout.
  5. In the Personal Layout - Related Information page, in the Available Related Information section, select the related information section that you want to appear, and click the arrow to move it to the Displayed Related Information section.

    TIP: You can select more than one section at a time by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key.

  6. In the Displayed Related Information section, select one section at a time and use the arrows to move the related information section up or down until it appears in the order you want.
  7. Save the record.

After you personalize the layout of the related information sections, your new layout is used in the Detail page for all records of that record type until one of the following actions occurs:

  • You change the layout again.
  • You restore the layout of the related information sections to the default layout.

    NOTE: Restoring a field layout to the default layout does not affect any personalized layouts of related information sections. Similarly, restoring a personalized layout of related information sections to the default layout does not affect any personalized field layouts for the record type.

  • Your administrator resets the page layout for your role to the default layout.

    NOTE: If an administrator resets the page layout for a record type to the default layout for a role, then all of the personalized field layouts and all of the personalized layouts of the related information sections for that record type are restored to the default for users who have that role. However, if an administrator assigns a new page layout for a record type to a role, then all users who have that role see the new field layout for the record type, but the users continue to see their personalized layouts of the related information sections for the record type until they restore their related information layouts to the default layout.

Personalizing Related Information Layouts for Dynamic Page Layouts

When dynamic layouts are used, you might be able to create a personalized layout of the related information sections for each value in the picklist field that determines the dynamic rendering of the page layout. The functionality that allows you to create multiple personalized layouts of the related information sections for a record type is controlled by the Enable Personalization of Individual Dynamic Page Layouts check box on the company profile, as follows:

  • If the Enable Personalization of Individual Dynamic Page Layouts check box is deselected, then you can create only one personalized layout of the related information sections for a record type. After you personalize the layout for a record type, you see the same set of related information sections on the Detail page for all records of that type regardless of the value that is selected in the picklist field that determines the dynamic rendering of the page layout.
  • If the Enable Personalization of Individual Dynamic Page Layouts check box on the company profile is selected, then you can create a personalized layout of the related information sections for each of the values in the picklist field that determines the dynamic rendering of the page layout.

The following procedure describes how to personalize the layout of the related information sections for dynamic Detail pages when the personalization of individual dynamic page layouts is not enabled. This procedure describes how to personalize a dynamic layout by accessing the Personal Layout page through the My Setup global link. You can also personalize a dynamic layout by clicking the Edit Layout link on a record Detail page. If the personalization of individual dynamic layouts is not enabled, then the behavior is the same regardless of how you access the page.

To personalize a dynamic layout when the personalization of individual dynamic layouts is not enabled

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the My Setup global link.
  2. In the Layout Personalization section, click the Personal Layout link.
  3. In the Personal Detail Page Layout section, click the Layout page link whose detail page layout you want to change.
  4. If the Personal Layout page opens, then click Related Information Layout.
  5. In the Personal Layout - Related Information page, in the Available Related Information section, select the related information section that you want to appear, and click the arrow to move it to the Displayed Related Information section.

    TIP: You can select more than one section at a time by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key.

  6. In the Displayed Related Information section, select one section at a time and use the arrows to move the related information section up or down until it appears in the order you want.
  7. Save the record.

After you personalize the layout of the related information sections, your new layout is used in the Detail page for all records of that record type regardless of the value in the picklist field that determines the dynamic layout of the page, until you change the layout again or until you restore the default layout for the Detail page, whichever comes first.

The following procedure describes how to personalize the layout of dynamic Detail pages when the personalization of individual dynamic page layouts is enabled. This procedure describes how to personalize a dynamic layout by accessing the Personal Layout page through the My Setup global link. You can also personalize a dynamic layout by clicking the Edit Layout link on a record Detail page. When the personalization of individual dynamic layouts is enabled, the behavior for dynamic layouts is as follows:

  • If you access the Personal Layout page through the My Setup link, then you can create personalized layouts for all values in the picklist that determines the dynamic layout of the page.
  • If you access the Personal Layout page through the Edit Layout link on a Detail page, then you can create a personalized layout only for the value that is currently selected in the picklist that determines the dynamic layout of the page.

To personalize a dynamic layout when the personalization of individual dynamic layouts is enabled

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the My Setup global link.
  2. In the Layout Personalization section, click the Personal Layout link.
  3. In the Personal Detail Page Layout section, click the Layout page link whose detail page layout you want to change.
  4. If the Personal Layout page opens, then click Related Information Layout.
  5. In the Personal Layout - Related Information page, in the Driving Picklist Available Values section, select the value for which you want to create a personalized layout.

    NOTE: If you want to create a personalized layout that is to be used when no value is selected in the picklist field, then select the blank value in the picklist field.

  6. In the Available Related Information section, select the related information section that you want to appear and use the directional arrow to move it to the Displayed Related Information section.

    TIP: You can select more than one section at a time by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key.

  7. In the Displayed Related Information section, select one section at a time, and click the arrows to move the related information section up or down until it appears in the order that you want.
  8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to create any additional personalized layouts that you want.

    NOTE: If you do not create a personalized layout for a picklist value, then the default page layout for that picklist value is used.

  9. Save the record.

After you personalize the layout of the related information sections for a picklist value, your personalized layout is used in the Detail page for all records in which that picklist value is selected until you change the layout for the picklist value again or until you restore the default layout for the Detail page, whichever comes first.

Restoring Related Information Layouts to the Default Layouts

The following procedure describes how to restore a related information layout to the default layout by accessing the Personal Layout page through the My Setup global link. You can also restore a related information layout to the default layout by clicking the Edit Layout link on a record Detail page. If the personalization of individual dynamic layouts is enabled, then the behavior for dynamic layouts is as follows:

  • If you access the Personal Layout page through the global My Setup link, then you can restore the default related information layouts for all of the values in the picklist field that determines the dynamic layout of the page. You can also restore the default related information layouts for some picklist values while keeping your personalized layouts for other picklist values.
  • If you access the Personal Layout page through the Edit Layout link on a record Detail page, then you can restore only the default related information layout for the picklist value that is currently selected in the picklist field that determines the dynamic layout of the page. You cannot restore the default related information layouts for the other picklist values.

To restore a related information layout to the default layout

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the My Setup global link.
  2. In the Layout Personalization section, click the Personal Layout link.
  3. In the Personal Detail Page Layout section, click the Layout page link whose detail page layout you want to change.
  4. If the Personal Layout page opens, then click Related Information Layout.
  5. In the Personal Layout - Related Information page, do one of the following:
    • Click Default to restore the layout for a selected value in the Driving Picklist Available Values column to the default layout.
    • Click Default All to restore the layouts for all of the values in the Driving Picklist Available Values column to the default layouts.

      NOTE: The Default All button is available only for some personal detail page layouts.

For information about how personalized page layouts interact with page layouts for roles, see How Personalized Related Information Layouts Interact with Page Layouts for Roles.

Related Information Format on Record Detail Pages

If your user role has the Personalize Related Information Display Format privilege, then you can also choose to show the related information sections on record Detail pages as lists or as tabs, by setting the Related Information Format option in your personal profile. If the Related Information Format field in your personal profile is blank, then the setting for your user role is used; and if the Related Information Format field on your user role is blank, then the setting for the company is used. For information about changing the Related Information Format option in your personal profile, see Updating Your Personal Details.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.