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About Service Allotments

You can view all of the service allotments for your company to see the current and historical usage and to enable alerts when allotments reach the defined threshold values. Customer Care sets the service allotment values for your company.

In the Service Allotment List page, you can see the defined allotment value, the current usage, and the remaining usage values. You can drill down on a service allotment to set an alert for the service allotment. When you enable an alert, you define a threshold value on a service allotment, which causes an email warning to be sent to the specified recipients when the threshold is reached.

In the Allotment Usage List page, you can track your company's usage against service allotments over time. You can view, daily, weekly, or monthly usage, although this view varies with the allotment type. You can export the allotment data and allotment usage data for a company, using the Export Assistant. For information about using the Export Assistant, see Exporting Your Data.

Allotments That Are Updated Continuously in a 24-Hour Period

The following allotments are measured and updated continuously over a 24-hour period:

  • Report Services Bandwidth Allotment. Indicates the amount of data that a company can process each day using the report services.
  • Report Services Concurrent Allotment. Indicates the maximum number of requests that a company can submit using the report services at any time.
  • Report Services Operations Allotment. Indicates the number of daily operations that are allowed for a company that is using report services. When a call is made to submit a report service, it is considered to be an operation.
  • Web Services Operations Allotment. Determines the number of Web services operations that a company can perform within a 24-hour period.
  • Web Services Concurrent Request Allotment. Determines the maximum number of concurrent Web service requests that a company can process.

NOTE: Requests from Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop do not count towards the Web Services Operations Allotment or the Web Services Concurrent Request Allotment.

The names and descriptions of service allotments are displayed in your active language.

For more information on the report service allotments, see Oracle CRM On Demand Report Services API Developer's Guide , and for more information on Web Services allotments, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.

Allotments That Are Updated One Time in a 24-Hour Period

Oracle CRM On Demand updates the following allotments one time in a 24-hour period:

  • File Allotment. Determines the file allotment for the company, which is the amount of storage available for files attached to records.

    NOTE: The attachments to signature records and images added to record detail pages are not included in the calculation of the amount of storage used by the company.

  • Record Allotment. Determines the record allotment for the company, which is the number of records of all types.

    NOTE: Signature records are not counted in the calculation of the number of records stored for the company.

Oracle CRM On Demand updates the current usage for record and file allotments one time in every 24 hour period. In addition, when a record is deleted or restored in batch, or a new record is created through an import operation, Oracle CRM On Demand updates the current usage for the parent record types when the operation completes. The current usage is shown on the Current Usage field on the Service Allotment Detail page.

Real Time Updated Allotments

Oracle CRM On Demand updates the following allotment in real time:

  • CRM Desktop Licenses. Indicates the number of CRM Desktop users licensed by your company.

What Happens When Allotments Are Fully Used?

When usage reaches the total company limit for Web services allotments, further requests to Oracle CRM On Demand Web services are not processed. Allotment capacity is released hourly, and the amount of capacity released varies depending on past usage. New requests will be processed when the current usage for the preceding 24-hour period has fallen below the allotment value for your company.

To avoid reaching the total company allotment, optimize Web service clients to avoid unnecessary requests. For more information, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.

When usage reaches the total company limit for the Record allotment, the following can no longer interact with the Oracle CRM On Demand application:

  • Web services that are attempting Insert, Update, or InsertOrUpdate operations on records
  • Imports using the Import Assistant or Oracle Data Loader On Demand
  • Desktop clients, such as Oracle Outlook Email Integration On Demand and Oracle Notes Email Integration On Demand

To avoid reaching the total company allotment, users can delete any records from the application that are no longer necessary. When usage reaches the total company limit for the file allotment, users can no longer upload attachments using the following:

  • The Oracle CRM On Demand application
  • Web services
  • Any desktop clients

To avoid reaching the total company allotment, users can delete any attachments that are no longer necessary.

NOTE: For all service allotments, users can contact their sales representative and purchase additional capacity, additional licenses, or both. For further assistance, contact Customer Care.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.