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About Sample Request Item Workflows and Blocked Product Rules

Processing blocked products is not supported for sample request items when workflows are used in Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, in the following situation, a workflow created for a sample request item sets the Product field for the sample request item with a blocked product, Prod1:

  1. You create the following records:
    • Account: Acc1
    • Contact: Con1 with Address
    • Products: Prod1 and Prod2
  2. You allocate Prod1 and Prod2 to an administrative user.
  3. You create a blocked product record for Prod1 and Con1 so that Prod1 is defined as a blocked product for the contact Con1.
  4. You create a workflow for a sample request item with a When New Record Saved trigger and an Update Values action with Field Name set to Product and its value set to Prod1.
  5. From Acc1, you create a call and then you create a sample request in the Sample Request section in the call with Con1 as the contact in a call.
  6. In the Sample Request section, you click New on Sample Request Item, and populate the fields as follows:
    • Order Item Number: 1
    • Quantity: 1
    • Product: Prod2

      NOTE: Only Prod2 is visible because Prod1 is blocked for the contact Con1.

  7. Save the record.

    Because Prod1 is blocked, you might expect that the sample request item workflow would not set the Product field to Prod1. However, although the workflow action that you set up in step 4 is triggered, the workflow does not follow the product-blocking rule. Consequently, the workflow sets the Product field for the sample request item with the blocked product, Prod1.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.