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About Access Levels for Primary Record Types

You grant or revoke access rights to primary record types by setting the access levels in step 2 of the Access Profile Wizard. For more information about using the Access Profile Wizard, see Process of Setting Up Access Profiles.

Access levels are the lowest level of permissions that can be granted for a record type. For each primary record type, you specify the access rights for any user who inherits this access profile through one or more of the access-control components (roles, reporting hierarchy, teams, and books). For example, when a user drills down on an opportunity from an opportunity list, the access rights that allow the user to see the opportunity details and to perform operations are controlled by the access level for the Opportunity primary record type in step 2 of the Access Profile Wizard.

The description in this section of the access levels for primary record types pertains to the functionality of the access levels as they operate individually. The records that a user can view and the operations that a user is allowed to perform on records are controlled by a combination of one or more access levels that are applied to the records through one or more access profiles.

Record types that are controlled through special privileges appear in all access profiles with the access level set by default. For primary record types, the default setting is Read-Only. You must change the default setting to give your users the access level that they require for the various record types.

The access level for each primary record type can be set to one of the following:

  • Read-Only. The Read-Only access level prevents the user from performing operations such as edit or delete on the primary record.
  • Read/Edit. The Read/Edit access level allows the user to view and edit primary records.
  • Read/Edit/Delete. The Read/Edit/Delete access level allows the user to view, edit, and delete primary records.

NOTE: Permission to create records of a primary record type is not controlled by the settings in step 2 of the Access Profile Wizard. The permission to create records of a primary record type is controlled by the settings in step 2 of the Role Management Wizard. For more information about roles, see Role Management.

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