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Batch Delete and Restore Queue Page

The Batch Delete and Restore Queue page displays all the active and completed delete record and restore requests submitted by your company.

Before you begin. To view all batch delete and restore requests on this page, your user role must include the Batch Delete and Restore privilege. To restore lists of records that you deleted, your user role must include the Batch Delete and Restore privilege. To restore lists of records that were deleted by another user, your user role must include the Recover All Records privilege as well as the Batch Delete and Restore privilege.

From this page, you can do the tasks shown in the following table:

To Do This

Follow These Steps

Cancel an active request

When you delete or restore a list of records, you receive a confirmation email stating that Oracle CRM On Demand has successfully prepared the batch delete or restore request on the Batch Delete or Restore Queue page. You can click the Cancel link to cancel the request up until you click the Proceed link beside the request and Oracle CRM On Demand begins to process the request.

Proceed the active request

Click the Proceed link next to the request to finalize the batch delete or restore request.You receive a confirmation email stating that the batch delete or restore request has been completed and that the list of records is deleted or restored.

Display the number of records

In the Number of Records Displayed drop-down list, select a number of requests to see at one time.

Delete the processed request

Click the Delete link to delete the batch delete or restore request from the Processed Requests queue.

NOTE: If a processed batch delete request has not been restored, that is, the status is Deleted, then the request cannot be restored in the future.

Show a summary of the completed request

You can do one of the following:

  • Click the View Delete Log link to see the summary log for delete requests.
  • Click the View Restore Log link to see the summary log for restore requests.

Restore the deleted request

Click the Restore link next to the delete request to restore the deleted records that have not been purged from Oracle CRM On Demand.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.