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Closing Resolved Service Requests

After you have satisfactorily answered your customer’s request, you can close the service request.

Before you begin: View the Service Request detail page to make sure that the service request is complete by verifying the following:

  • All activities on the service request have a Completed status, indicating that you have followed up with your customer.
  • If your company uses solutions, the solution is linked to the service request record, indicating how the problem was solved.

To close a resolved service request

  1. On the Service Request List page, click in the Status field of the Service Request you want to close.
  2. Select Closed from the drop-down list in the field.
  3. Click the green check mark icon in the Status field to save the change.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.