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Placing Calls

From Oracle Contact On Demand, you can place external calls to customers or internal calls to another agent or supervisor.

By default, each agent has two separate phone lines, allowing you to receive an inbound call on one line and make an outbound call on a second line. For example, your customer might need information that you cannot supply. You can place the customer on hold, click the second line to begin using it, click Dial, and call someone else for the information you need. When you receive the information, you can end the second call and return to your customer on the first line.

Placing an external call automatically creates an activity record within Oracle CRM On Demand for the call, unless you clear that option before dialing each call. Logging the outbound call activity saves you time tracking your daily activities, and allows managers to measure each agent’s productivity.

To place an external call

  1. In the Communication Tools section in the Action bar, click Dial.

    NOTE: By default, the Log an Activity check box is selected.

  2. Then you can do one of the following:
    • Select a number from the Recently Dialed list, and click Call.

      NOTE: These recently dialed numbers pertain to the current session. When you sign out, the list is cleared.

    • Enter the phone number, and click Call.
    • Click the Search Agents button, select the Agent from the list, and click Dial.

      TIP:  To find the agent in the list, use the Search for an Agent field.

  3. Answer your phone.

    Oracle Contact On Demand then calls the destination phone number you entered.

To place an external call using Click-to-Dial

  1. Navigate to a contact's details on a Contact Details or a Contacts List page.

    If the contact's number is displayed as a hyperlink, you can click on it to dial the number.

    NOTE: System Administrators can customize your system and change fields and their characteristics. Click-to-Dial may not work with such fields.

  2. Click the phone link you wish to dial.

    A Dialer dialog box appears.

    NOTE: The telephone number in this dialog box is read-only. To disable this dialog box, navigate to My Setup, Personal Profile, and then My Profile, and deselect the Display Click-to-Dial Popup check box. You need to log out and login again for this change to take effect.

  3. Click the Call button to place the outbound call.

    Oracle Contact On Demand then calls the destination phone number you clicked.

To place an internal call

An internal call can be placed to any agent or supervisor. Their status is displayed in the list of users along with their name and target telephone number (that is, current location). A call placed to an agent rings that agent's telephone, regardless of the agent being logged in or not.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.