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Configuring Communications Settings

The following table describes how to set up the Communication Settings section in the Company Profile page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: Some additional fields might be displayed if your company has certain features turned on.



Auto Wrap Up

If you select this setting, Oracle CRM On Demand automatically wraps up the Communication Activity when an agent ends any call or email communication, or when an agent re-assigns voicemails. The agent does not see the Wrap Up form. The activity status is set automatically to Completed and the resolution code is set to Auto Wrap Up.

NOTE: This setting does not apply if the agent manually clicks the Wrap Up button on a Communication Activity Detail page. For example, after listening to a voicemail, the agent can click the Wrap Up button on the Voicemail Activity Detail page, to display a Wrap Up form and wrap up the Activity.

Send Email on User Profile Updates


This setting determines which Oracle CRM On Demand users receive alert emails after the Email, User ID, or External Identifier for Single Sign-On fields are updated. The following values are available:

  • All Users. Emails are sent to all Oracle CRM On Demand users. This setting is the default, and it is the recommended setting.
  • All Active Users. Emails are sent only to all active Oracle CRM On Demand users.
  • No Users. Emails are not sent to any Oracle CRM On Demand users. This setting is recommended only in a nonproduction environment.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.