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Creating Workflow Rules

This topic describes how to create workflow rules.

NOTE: If the Enable Language Translation Support for Workflow Cancel Save Message check box is selected on the company profile, then the Translation Language field is available in the Workflow Rule Detail page and in the Workflow Rule Edit page when you edit an existing workflow rule. The Translation Language field allows you to enter translated versions of the custom error messages that are returned to users or Web services if the condition on a workflow rule is not met and the Cancel Save check box is selected for the rule. For more information about the Translation Language field, see Canceling Workflow Save Operations.

Before you begin. Workflow functionality in Oracle CRM On Demand must be set up for your company, as described in About Workflow Rules. To perform the procedures described in this topic, you must have the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege in your user role. To create workflow rules for the User record type, you must also have the Manage Data Rules – Manage Workflow Rules for User privilege in your user role. Your administrator can enable this privilege for the Administrator role and for any other role as necessary. For more information about considerations when creating workflow rules for the User record type, see Considerations When Creating Workflow Rules for the User Record Type. For information about adding privileges to roles, see Adding Roles.

NOTE: After a rule is created, you cannot change the record type or trigger event on the rule. However, you can update the workflow condition.

To create a workflow rule

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Workflow Configuration.
  3. On the Workflow Rules List page, do one of the following:
    • To create a new workflow rule by copying an existing one, click Copy on the workflow rule that you want to copy.
    • To create a new workflow rule that is not based on an existing rule, click New on the title bar.
  4. In the Workflow Rule Detail page, in the Key Workflow Rule Details section, fill in the rule information.

    The following table describes the rule fields.



    Workflow Name

    Enter a unique name, up to 50 characters.


    Use the Active check box to enable and disable the rule. Any number of workflow rules can be active at the same time.


    This field is read-only when you create the workflow rule. It determines the order in which Oracle CRM On Demand invokes the rules that are based on the same record type and the same trigger event, and where applicable, the same parent record type. Oracle CRM On Demand automatically assigns the rule to the next unused order number for the rules based on the same record type and the same trigger event. If the trigger event for the workflow rule is After Association With Parent or After Dissociation From Parent, then Oracle CRM On Demand automatically assigns the rule to the next unused order number for the rules based on the same record type, the same trigger event, and the same parent record type. Later, you can change the order of the workflow rules. For more information, see Changing the Order of Workflow Rules.


    If you select the Exit check box on this workflow rule, and if the condition on the rule is met, then the active actions on this workflow rule are performed. However, none of the subsequent workflow rules that are based on the same record type and the same trigger event, and where applicable, the same parent record type, are triggered.

    If the condition on this workflow rule is not met, then Oracle CRM On Demand proceeds to the next rule in the sequence, regardless of the setting of the Exit check box on this workflow rule.


    (Optional) Enter additional information about the workflow rule, such as the purpose of the rule.

    Record Type

    Select the record type for the workflow rule.

    For create, update, and delete trigger events, each workflow rule relates to one record type only. The rule is evaluated for that type of record and the actions are performed on that type of record. After a rule is created, you cannot change the record type on the rule.

    For workflow rules where the trigger event is After Association With Parent trigger event or After Dissociation From Parent, select the record type of the child record. For example, if you want the workflow rule to be triggered when a contact record is associated with an account record, select Contact in this field, and select Account in the Parent Record Type field.

    Trigger Event

    Select the event that triggers the rule.

    When this event occurs on a record of the specified type, the rule is evaluated. After a rule is created, you cannot change the trigger event on the rule.

    NOTE: The trigger events After Association With Parent and After Dissociation From Parent are supported only for the Account, Contact, and Opportunity record types. For more information, see the Association and Dissociation Trigger Events section of the About Workflow Rules topic.

    Parent Record Type

    This field is displayed if you select the After Association With Parent trigger event or the After Dissociation From Parent trigger event.

    Select the parent record type. For example, if you are setting up a workflow rule that will be triggered when a contact record is associated with a parent account record, select Account in this field, and select Contact in the Record Type field.

  5. If you want to define a condition on the workflow rule, click the fx icon in the Workflow Rule Condition section of the page, and use Expression Builder to define the workflow rule condition. For more information about Expression Builder, see Expression Builder.

    NOTE: If you do not define any condition for the workflow rule, the actions on the rule will be performed each time the rule is triggered.

    When creating conditions on workflow rules, note the following points:

    • A workflow rule condition can contain a maximum of 2048 characters.
    • You can configure workflow rules that are specific to particular roles or channels. For more information about restricting workflow rules to specific roles or channels, see Restricting Workflow Rules to Specific Channels or Roles.
    • You can determine if a field in a record has been updated by using a condition similar to the following in the workflow rule. In this example, the string used to determine if the field has changed is Invalid, but you can use any string you want, provided that the string does not exist as a value in the field that is being examined:

      IfNull([<FieldName>], "Invalid") <> IfNull(PRE("<FieldName>"), "Invalid")

      CAUTION: The PRE function does not return the previous value of a field if the function is used in any workflow or action that is invoked after a Wait action. For more information about the PRE() function, see PRE.

  6. If the Actions If Condition Is False section is available on the Workflow Rule Detail page, then you can specify that the save operation must be cancelled if the condition on the rule is not met.

    For more information about specifying that the save operation must be cancelled if the condition on the rule is not met, see Canceling Workflow Save Operations.

  7. Save the workflow rule.

When you have saved the rule, you can create actions for the rule. You can create multiple actions for a workflow rule, up to a maximum of 25 actions for each rule.

NOTE: The language-independent field names and the field-name syntax used in any example expressions in this topic are the field names and the field-name syntax that were used in Expression Builder in releases earlier than Release 29 Service Pack 1. These examples are still valid. However, if you select the corresponding fields for an expression from the Fields list in Expression Builder in Release 29 Service Pack 1 or later, then the field names and the field-name syntax will be different from those shown in the examples. It is recommended that you always select the fields for your expressions from the Fields list in Expression Builder, so that the field names and the field-name syntax are always correct. For more information about the field names and the field-name syntax in expressions, see About Expressions.

For step-by-step procedures for creating workflow actions, see the following topics:

Related Topics

See the following topics for related workflow information:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.