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Configuring Company Data Visibility Settings

The following table describes how to set up the Data Visibility Settings section in the Company Profile page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: Some additional fields might be displayed if your company has certain features turned on.



Manager Visibility Enabled

When a manager views a list of records that is set up to search the All records I can see record set, such as the All Accounts list, Oracle CRM On Demand displays the list of records as follows:

  • If the Manager Visibility Enabled option is selected, then the list includes the records to which the manager’s subordinates have access.
  • If the Manager Visibility Enabled option is not selected, then the list does not include the records to which the manager’s subordinates have access, unless the Can Read All Records setting on the manager’s role is selected for the relevant record type.

    When a manager selects the All records I can see option in an advanced search, Oracle CRM On Demand searches the set of records as follows:

  • If the Manager Visibility Enabled option is selected, then the set of records that Oracle CRM On Demand searches includes the records to which the manager’s subordinates have access.
  • If the Manager Visibility Enabled option is not selected, then the set of records that Oracle CRM On Demand searches does not include the records to which the manager’s subordinates have access, unless the Can Read All Records setting on the manager’s role is selected for the relevant record type.

    A user's manager is specified in either the Reports To field or the Reports To (Alias) field on the User Detail page, depending on which of these fields is displayed on the page.

    NOTE: Deselecting the Manager Visibility Enabled option does not result in managers being unable to access the records that are owned by their subordinates. Managers always have access to the records that are owned by their subordinates, regardless of the setting of this option.

Enable Parent Team Inheritance for Contact

Select this check box to enable contact teams to automatically inherit account team members when contacts are related to accounts. This check box is deselected by default for new companies.

NOTE: After you change the setting in this check box, users must sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand and then sign in again to see the new behavior of the team inheritance functionality.

For more information about team inheritance, see About Access Propagation Through Team Inheritance.

Enable Parent Team Inheritance for Opportunity

Select this check box to enable opportunity teams to automatically inherit account team members when opportunities are related to accounts. This check box is deselected by default for new companies.

NOTE: After you change the setting in this check box, users must sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand and then sign in again to see the new behavior of the team inheritance functionality.

For more information about team inheritance, see About Access Propagation Through Team Inheritance.

Default Group Assignment

Select this option to allow group members to share ownership of accounts, activities, contacts, households, opportunities, and portfolios. For more information, see Group Management.

Enable Books

Controls whether the Book selector displays custom books. If this check box is not enabled, the Book selector displays only user books and books for delegates, if delegates exist.

CAUTION: Do not select the Enable Books option until you have created your book hierarchy. You cannot deselect this option after it has been selected. However, you can make changes to your book hierarchy after the option has been selected.

Display Book Selector

Enables or disables the Book selector, which you can use to refine searches for records of a particular user, delegate, or custom books.

Enable Merge of Duplicate Record's Books

This setting applies only if your company uses the book functionality in Oracle CRM On Demand. For information about the book functionality, see Book Management.

When users merge records, the books that are associated with the primary record are always retained, but any books that are associated only with the duplicate record are not automatically associated with the primary record. The Enable Merge of Duplicate Record’s Books check box determines whether the user who merges the records can choose to associate the duplicate record’s books with the primary record, as follows:

  • If the check box is selected, then Oracle CRM On Demand prompts the user to specify whether the books that are associated with the duplicate record are to be associated with the primary record.
  • If the check box is deselected, then the user cannot specify that the books that are associated with the duplicate record are to be associated with the primary record.

The check box is deselected by default. For more information about merging duplicate records in Oracle CRM On Demand, see Merging Records.

Display Parent Book Hierarchy in Book Selector

This setting applies only if your company uses the book functionality in Oracle CRM On Demand. For information about the book functionality, see Book Management.

The Book Selector page allows users to view only their associated books and subbooks. However, by allowing users to view the entire book hierarchy, users have context to specific books within the company. The Display Parent Book Hierarchy in Book Selector check box determines how books and hierarchies are displayed in the Book Selector as follows:

  • If the check box is deselected, then the Book Selector displays only books and subbooks where the user is a member.
  • If the check box is selected, then the Book Selector displays the books and subbooks where the user is a member, and all upper nodes in the book hierarchy. If the Can Read All Records setting for books is selected for the user's role, then the user can expand and view all nodes in the book hierarchy. The names of the books of which the user is a member and its subbooks are displayed in black. The upper nodes of which the user is not a member are displayed in red.

    NOTE: The setting affects only the Book Selector in pages where a record search or filter is applied, for example, the Action Bar Search, Advanced Search, List Management, Lookup windows, Reports, and Dashboards.

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