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About User Delegation

When the delegated users feature is enabled, users can delegate owner access of their records to other users. In addition, users who have the appropriate privileges can appoint delegates for other users. Typically, only company administrators can appoint delegates for other users.

The delegated users feature is controlled using the following check boxes on the Company Profile page:

  • Manager Visibility Enabled
  • Display Book Selector

For the delegated users feature to work, both of these check boxes must be selected. In addition, the Delegated To Users and the Delegated From Users related information sections must be available on the relevant page layouts for the user's or administrator's role, as follows:

  • To allow a user to appoint delegates, the Delegated To Users related information section must be available on the User Owner page layout for the user's role.
  • To allow a user to see a list of the users for whom the user is a delegate, the Delegated From Users related information section must be available on the User Owner page layout for the user's role.
  • To allow administrators to appoint delegates for other users, at least one of the following related information sections must be available on the User Admin page layout for the administrator’s role:
    • Delegated To Users. In the Delegated To Users section of a user's record, the administrator can appoint delegates for the user.
    • Delegated From Users. In the Delegated From Users section of a user's record, the administrator can appoint the user as a delegate for other users.

When appointing delegated users, note the following information:

  • The Delegated User Role field is not related to the user role or to data access in any way. It is a picklist that a company administrator can define to categorize the user delegates. This picklist does not have any default values. The company administrator can customize it, as necessary, from the Delegated Users Field setup page. For more information about customizing picklists, see Changing Picklist Values.
  • Delegated users gain the primary user’s owner access to the records that the primary user owns or has access to through teams or groups. Delegated users do not gain the primary user’s default access to records.
  • For any record type, the delegated user must have the Has Access option enabled in his or her user role to be able to see records of that type using delegated access. Similarly, the delegated user must have the Can Create option for a record type enabled in his or her user role to be able to create records of that type.
  • Delegated users can use the Include sub-items option in the Book selector to see all of their own records and those of the primary user in lists. Alternatively, they can select their own name to see only the records they have access to through ownership, role, team, and so on. Or, they can select the name of the primary user to see only the records that the primary user owns or can access through a team or a group.
  • The delegated user’s level of access to data (that is, Manager Visibility, Team Visibility, or Full Visibility) for reporting subject areas and historical subject areas continues to apply, even when the delegated user is looking at data delegated by a primary user.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.